Elementary Virtual School
For children ages 6 to 12 years old. Guided, daily instruction delivered by online Montessori guide in virtual classroom, and facilitated by parent. Option to add in-home educator for additional support.
The Program
Designed for children ages 6 to 12 years old, this online educational program combines authentic Montessori materials with expert guidance to develop self-motivated, independent-thinking children who are ready to succeed both inside and outside of school.
- Montessori materials delivered to your door
Authentic, developmentally appropriate Montessori learning materials are shipped to each of our families throughout the school year, helping to create the kind of curated environment that aids effective, hands-on learning.
- Expert guidance from qualified Montessori guides
- Engaging online instruction and extended work periods
- Digital learning platform for offline learning
- Academic excellence
- Advanced learning
Summer camp and enrichment classes
Join your local Guidepost Montessori school this summer for in-person or virtual summer programming from June through August. Each week, students will engage community-building games, outdoor exercise, arts and crafts, creative writing, experiments, and free-choice learning time. There is also an option for additional academic support online in reading and math, which is ideal for families who are concerned about the learning loss that can happen over the summer.
Our approach
The Montessori methodology is naturally suited to meaningful learning at home. The Guidepost Montessori elementary program, adapted to an online format, fosters a love of serious learning with a focus on the whole child. Children will have the opportunity to learn, problem solve, develop independence, hone their interpersonal and time-management skills, explore creative outlets, and pursue individual interests.
We offer a full-day program, supported by parents, to meet the needs of your child. Program elements include:
- A Montessori learning community. Your child will form connections with a group of peers that is deliberately mixed in age to provide a richer social experience.
- A Montessori guide. Your child’s learning experience will be shaped and supported by a trained Montessori educator who offers tailored lessons, along with personalized feedback and support.
- A hands-on Montessori curriculum. At the center of Montessori elementary education are learning materials that bring abstract concepts in every subject area within reach. Our virtual program offers digitized versions of many materials — but also provides physical materials for use at home, and even guidance to students in creating their own materials. All Montessori materials are included in the fee.
- A digital learning platform. Guidepost Elementary Album allows for your child’s Montessori guide to organize your child’s learning, lesson by lesson and topic by topic, and to provide clear tracking and meaningful feedback. And it allows for your child to become increasingly independent in organizing her own work.
You can read more about the Montessori curriculum and pedagogy here.
Students vary in their levels of independence, tech-savviness, and learning needs, but generally, our program is designed for students to engage in regular learning activities, independent of active oversight by parents. To enable a smooth transition to the program, we recommend that parents provide support in the first week or two, particularly in helping students navigate technology (e.g., logging into the classroom, muting and unmuting, ensuring their video is on). But ongoing, real-time support needed from parents is limited.
Frequently Asked Questions
From how the course is designed to how it's delivered.
- How much support will my child need throughout the day?
There is no magic answer to this, as a child’s ability to master new skills will vary depending on their age, experience, and motivation. Typically, your child will need more support in the first few days and weeks and will grow more independent and confident as time goes on. For the first few days, we recommend that an adult be available most of the day as your child gets familiar with new technology, systems, tools, functions of online learning, and the accountability associated with independent work time. You can support them in building persistence, concentration, and independence by being there at first, “showing” rather than “doing”, and expressing interest in their learning and their work.
After the first few days, expect some questions to arise as new tasks and challenges come up, and be patient with yourselves and your children as things get underway and strong habits are built. During the second week, your child will likely become more focused, independent, and engaged for longer periods of time, and by the third week, their ongoing level of independence and interaction with you will likely be established.
We will continue to scaffold the parent and student experience and offer individualized support with any challenges that arise. The goal is that everyone in your household will enjoy an independent day of work each day as time goes on.
- What does parent-guide communication look like?
- How do you address special needs and IEPs?
- Is your program a homeschool or a private school program? Will it "count" as real school if my child were to move on next year to a different public or private school?
- Is Guidepost Montessori Virtual School (GMVS) an accredited school?
- Is GMVS licensed as a private school?
- What is the difference between accreditation and licensing?
- Will my child’s credit at GMVS transfer to a public school or other private school if s/he transfers out of GMVS after COVID-19?
- Do you have part-time options?
- Do you offer any kind of financial aid or discounts?
- What are your class sizes and your student-teacher ratios? Why do you have mixed ages together?
- How does socialization/peer contact work at a distance?
- Do you give tests to the children? How does assessment work?
- How will you know if my child is doing his work? How will I know?
- Montessori math requires hands-on manipulatives. How do you do this from home?
- Will I need to purchase special materials or supplies?
- Are your teachers Montessori trained? Are they prepared for teaching in a virtual setting?
Giving children the keys to life
Guidepost Montessori enables children to understand the world and choose their place within it.
With over 80 campuses across the US and Asia, and at-home and virtual learning programs serving more than 7,000 families worldwide, Guidepost is the world’s largest Montessori network.
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Do you want to learn more about Montessori? Visit The Prepared Montessorian for flexible online courses, from beginner to expert level.