Building Confidence Through Play With Jennie Monness | Guidepost Montessori

Building Confidence Through Play With Jennie Monness

Join us for a free webinar with Jennie Monness, co-founder of Union Square Play and creator of the Mo' Mommies blog, on how to build confidence in your child through play

The Guidepost Team

Jennie Monness, co-founder of Union Square Play and creator of the Mo' Mommies blog, joins us to share how to build confidence in your child through play. Play is a child's work. It is how they figure out the world and interact with it. We need to respect it, but what does that even mean?

Building Confidence Through Play With Jennie Monness
Thursday, June 18, 2020
11:30 am PT / 12:30 pm MT / 1:30 pm CT / 2:30 pm ET
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Key Takeaways

  • How we respond to and encourage a child's play from the day they are born relays many messages that we may not be aware of.
  • How can we build confidence through play?
  • How can we accessibly build confidence in a way that becomes reflexive?

Guest Speaker: Jennie Monness

Jennie Monness began her career in early childhood 12 years ago after receiving her Master's from Teachers college, Columbia University. Her first job was teaching English to 18-24-month-old native Mandarin-speaking children. She then became the Educational Director of several early childhood centers for 8 years, creating programs that used research-based best practices. About two years ago, Jennie decided to take a decade's worth of knowledge in early childhood education, and share her learnings with new parents to educate and empower them through her blog Mo' Mommies. She teaches classes, speaks at events, and uses social media, to provide timely information about her own parenting and toy recommendations that new parents deeply need and desire. Her aim has been for moms to connect, support and empower one another, and to learn how to allow their children to play in the most enriching way. She has co-founded a play space, Union Square Play, to bring these ideas to life through developmental, sensory, music and creative classes in addition to a thoughtful open play space. Her methods center around open-ended play materials and objects, so that babies can be engaged rather than entertained, creating their own "curriculum" and learning in the most natural, innate way. Due to COVID-19, she has launched USP Online to focus energy where parents need it most and now leads various virtual mom groups weekly.

Webinar Series:

Guidepost Guests is a free weekly webinar series where experts join us to have a 1-hour open discussion with 27,000+ members from our Family Framework platform and the broader community on a variety of topics. We have developed the Family Framework as support to help families to prepare and organize their home environments, organize their time, and plan learning activities for their children. See our upcoming webinar schedule and past recordings.

More Resources:

For more free support and upcoming webinars, join our Family Framework. Other resources, support, and virtual community events are available there

Meet the Author

The Guidepost Team

The Guidepost Team is a group of writers and educators dedicated to helping demystify all things Montessori.

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